
Part of living happily-ever-after is having a well behaved pet (it benefits both of you).
Check out these guides and training videos to find out how to get started in the right way!

For the resources in this section I’m turning it over to the experts at

Whether you are fostering or adopting please educate yourself (or you and your family) to give you both/all the best chance for an enjoyable relationship with a dog.  Cat people know that the cat will let you know “if” it’s interested in a relationship at any time other than when it wants something.  😸

Please watch this video for New Dog Help!


They’ve also written incredibly helpful guides for you to read or download.  Please note: you can view the documents here or on the New Dog Help section of their website which also has additional information on each topic.

The Guides Cover:

👍 Common Mistakes to Avoid

👍 Crate Training

👍 House Training

👍 Shy Dogs

👍 Socializing Dogs

👍 Introducing Dogs

👍 Introducing Dogs and Cats

👍 Dogs and Kids

There are also other free guides covering Behavior Q&A, Separation Anxiety and Pitbulls/Bully Breeds in Short on this page of their website.



Did you know?

Most organizations that have foster programs will provide all the necessary supplies like a crate and some food to get you started!